As my new website comes to life and I write my first blog, I want to celebrate the power of partnership in achieving success with this project.
I’m sending a huge “thank you” to my partners, Julie Brockmeyer, the creative elf, and Bob Rash of Sound Business Development, who were instrumental in this endeavor. Julie’s creativity and design, in partnership with Bob’s HTML and WordPress expertise, resulted in the perfect collaboration to create this new site. And as I wrote and edited the content, both Julie and Bob helped me vet the concepts to ensure the message will resonate with my target audience.
A website needs to have clean, compelling verbiage that is meaningful to the organization’s customers or market niche. It also needs savvy design that supports the brand and provides an intuitive information flow and user experience. Julie’s ability to translate my high level ideas into reality and work hand in hand with me to brainstorm the details were key elements of this project. She is blessed with many creative talents, and she is also a true advocate and trusted partner! I highly recommend Julie for any creative project you may have.
The site also needs technical expertise to create the functionality and implement the design. That’s where Bob came in. The combination of Bob’s business coaching and WordPress experience were instrumental in my journey to achieve this goal. If you need the guidance of a seasoned business coach, I strongly encourage you to speak with Bob!
Finally, a website needs detailed review and “Q.A.” to ensure that everything is working properly and to provide a final proofread and polish. Julie, Bob and I worked together to accomplish this task.
Writing, editing, design, development, Q.A. … these are all elements of a successful website project. But the most essential element is the foundation of partnership.
OK, let’s go! This is going to be a fun adventure!
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